Environment Class: Desertification


Due to the over population, people gradually overgrazing, overdrafting of ground water and diversion of water from tivers for human consumption and undustrual use. These are causes the serious environmental problem; Desertification. This disaster is seriously progressing in developong countries which included desert in their country. The most serious part is the southern part of the Sahara desert.

Desertification is the extreme deterioration of land in arid and dry areas due to loss of plants and soil moisture. This disaster results chiefly from man-made activities and influenced by climatic variations. Desertification is the result of the pollution, however it also causes other problems of ecosystem. Relatively small climate changes can result the abrupt changes to plants.  Further more it causes the disertification. However it won’t be matter to desert creatures, but others will lose their life bases and die.

Desertification is also affect to human’s life. The people who live near the desert might have to migrate to find out the other place where can survive. Also, without plants may causes the sandy dust phenomena and it will affect to human’s or other animal’s bronchus and accelerate of desertification.

[youtube A8nvfttOTF4]


  1. Whoa, first the oil spill and desertification?! And some people say Global Warming isn't happening! We people should start taking care of the environment! Not abuse it!

    Great article by the way!

  2. Thank you!!!! >0<

    I do really interest in environmental problem so I choose it! haha I am planning to keep going this kind of desaster as my main topic!

  3. Great post, I just finished a study on Vegetation and change in China’s semi arid zone. Pretty crazy stuff happening in the Gobi dessert!

  4. Whoa, first the oil spill and desertification?! And some people say Global Warming isn't happening! We people should start taking care of the environment! Not abuse it!
    Great article by the way!

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