Economics for Success at MRU


Junior Achievement of South Alberta (JASA) is a non-for-profit youth organization that engages local business and community-leaders to help young Albertans develop an entrepreneurial attitude, a solid and practical understanding of business and finance and a commitment to community. JASA’s programs reach nearly 18,000 students in elementary, junior and high school annually. Visit their website for more information!

From April 23 to May 3, Junior Achievement will be holding an event at Mount Royal University called Economics for Success (EFS). For over 18 years, this program for Grade 9 students has been held at the campus. For two weeks, hundreds of Grade 9 students from junior high schools across the city convene at MRU. Volunteers from the business community spend a full day with students to engage them to reflect on the advantages of remaining in school to acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed for long-term career success.

If you go to MRU, you’ll be seeing over 3,000 Grade 9 students and over 250 volunteers! For more information, please contact Gladys Loo at 403-781-2581 or