Eating for exams: Five foods to incorporate


My last post talked about taking care of your body in preparation for those dreaded exams to keep you preforming at your best. The most vital VITAL part of this is your brain (duh!) because that’s what you’re going to be using on the test. While studying is definitely the #1 thing you can do to prepare for a final

exam, treating your brain right will definitely also make a difference. Feel like you don’t have time? Well, that’s not a problem; in this post I’ll give you the lowdown on the best nutrients to fuel your final with and how to squeeze them in.

Before we begin, I’d like to introduce you to one of the key nutrients we’ll be talking about: omega-3 fatty acids. According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, omega-3 is highly concentrated in the brain, and believed to be important in cognitive functioning, including “brain memory and performance.” Omegas come in three “types” so to speak, ALA; DHA; and EPA, and are considered “essential” fatty acids. What becomes so important is getting enough omega-3 in your diet, because it is not naturally produced within your body. ALA and DHA are found in certain kinds of fish, while EPA (which in your body is converted in part to ALA and

DHA) is found in plants. For some more information on omega-3 click here.

Study Snacking:

1. Blueberries– Berries are super high in antioxidants in general, but blueberries have the added benefit of improving short term memory and attention to detail, according to Tufts University. So next time you’re cramming in a last study session get a bowl of blueberries to pop in your mouth instead of candy.

The Night Before:

2. Fish– The night before a big test I like to have fish for dinner, usually salmon, mostly because this is my favourite, but also because it’s high in omega-3. An excellent chart which tells how much omega-3 can be found in different kinds of fish can be found here, just scroll down a little until you get to the

“omega-3” section. While people often think fish can be a time consuming meal, its easy to get salmon in by making a smoked salmon sandwich for lunch or putting smoked salmon on a salad. Or, if tuna is your thing, have a tuna sandwich or melt.

The Morning Of:

3. Eggs– This is always what I have for breakfast when I have a morning exam. Not only are eggs high in protein and sure to keep you full throughout your exam, but they’re also high in omega-3 and super quick to prepare. Not to mention versatile: scrambled, poached, fried, breakfast-burritoed, omelette, frittata… the list goes on.

During the Exam:

4. Walnuts– Just like eggs, walnuts are high in fatty acids and protein. The great thing about walnuts

though is that often you can take a snack bag of them into your exam. This way, if you start getting a little hungry or worn out during the exam you can pop one or two in your mouth. If you’re exam is still days away don’t exclude our nutty little friends, eat them for breakfast stirred into cereal or oatmeal.

5. Dark Chocolate– Along with my walnuts on the day of the test I like to bring a little dark chocolate with me for those tough parts of the test. Not only do I love dark chocolate (I swear that alone would get me through!) but it’s also high in flavanols which increase blood-flow to the brain, improving cognitive capabilities. Now thats the tastiest A+ I’ve ever heard of!