What will happen in 2012?


Now that we are a couple of weeks into the new year, I think it’s time to make some predictions into what the new year will hold, and see what we have left behind in 2011. The video shown below is a Google Production which they usually do to recap what the year has been like. This one has lots of emphasis on the natural disasters as well as the civil revolt and protest of the people worldwide. The year 2011 is what many are calling the year of the protester; now let’s see what the future may hold for us in 2012.

According to Fareed Zakaria, the decade of 2010 is one of a post-American world. He predicts that emerging powers didn’t lead in 2011 and won’t again in this coming year. Due to the fragile state of the current economic condition and because of political, environmental, and cultural change that many countries are going through this coming year will be one of interdependence among all countries of the world.
On another note here are some interesting predictions for the year 2012:
• 7 million babies will be born in North America
• Sophia will be the most popular baby name
• The end of cash, as mobile wallets are making physical money less useful
• An Athenian citizen will have to pay 91% more for their coffee
• Media studios will aim to crackdown on piracy
• Yohan Blake breaking Usain Bolt’s record in the 100m. at the 2012 summer Olympics
• Social Networks will surmount 1 billion people in users
• The end of the Mayan calendars  Worldly Catastrophe

So with 2011 behind us, and the predictions being made for 2012, it can be safe to say that 2012 will be a very interesting year.