Ease into the school year


The last week of summer has got to be the most painful. With the new semester just around the corner, the thought of having to wake up early, sit through classes, and follow a daily routine is absolutely terrifying after two carefree, spontaneous months. But there are definitely things you can do to make easing into the school year less painful, and here are some examples.


1) Watch the clock. As difficult as it sounds, try to regulate your sleep-wake cycles. I know that most of us had become almost completely nocturnal during the span of the summer, but it’s time to re-adjust for school. Try setting an alarm for yourself to wake up half an hour earlier everyday. That way, once September gets here, waking up won’t be that much of a problem.


2) Pages of a new adventure. For those of you who enjoy reading in your spare time, your hobby will help you adjust to the school year. Try starting a new book today, partitioning off the pages so that you will finish reading the day before school starts. This will help you get used to routines after the summer.


3) Put away the remote. Maybe it’s just me, but I find that once I start a TV series, I have a tendency to become glued to the TV until I finish watching every episode. Sadly, once school starts, sitting in front of the television all day will not be an option anymore. So starting today, try to cut down on the amount of time you spend staring at the screen (that goes for the computer as well).


4) Look the part. If you haven’t yet done so, maybe it’s time to go stationery shopping. Not only do you have to be mentally prepared for school, you have to have the right equipment. Staples awaits, people, time to stock up on supplies!


5) Be excited. Last but not least, part of school is really just making new friends and having fun. Every class is capable of being interesting if you just give it a chance. I, for one, am excited for the school year, I look forward to seeing all my friends again, and making new ones as well. Every day is a new adventure in school, you learn new things all the time, not only from classes, but from the people around you too. September is just around the corner, people, time to get ready for a new year of wonderful memories.