Earth Day: How Youth can Advocate for our Planet


April 22 marks Earth Day, a time to become environmentally conscious and advocate for environmental concerns. For you, I have compiled some ways to get involved.

1. Get Educated and Encourage others around you to do the same

Education is an incredibly powerful tool especially when it comes to protecting the environment. It aids an individual in being more environmentally conscious; you can understand how your decisions directly have an effect on the environment. Furthermore, it can give direction to our actions to ensure that we are moving in the right direction. If you are interested, check out this list the Ontario Teachers’ Federation has compiled.

2. Fridays for Future

#FridaysForFuture is a youth-led organization that began in August 2018 when Greta Thunberg and other youth activists stood in front of the Swedish parliament to protest the lack of action on climate change. Here in Calgary, youth have been gathering outside City Hall to protest each week. You can check out Fridays for Future Calgary to see how you can get involved.

3. Start an Environmental Club at your school

If you are passionate about the environment, get others involved! Starting an Environmental at your school is a powerful way to get younger students involved and spread the message. Additionally, it is a chance to start some school-wide environmental initiatives, whether it be fundraising events or making pollinator houses.

4. Sustainable Youth Canada

Sustainable Youth Canada is a non-profit organization that provides a platform for high school and university students to lead and engage with environmental and energy sustainability. Each region of the organization hosts unique opportunities for high school and university students to get actively involved in making our world a better place. Check out the website to the Calgary branch, here.

As youth, there is so much that we can do to push our world closer to what we want it to be. We have the power to make our world sustainable. So, what are you waiting for?



Sustainable Youth Canada:

Fridays for Future: