Dynamic Architecture to a new era of civilization


concept of Dynamic towerHave you heard of buildings that can move, be quickly installed and generate electricity?

Dr. David Fisher is the architect and inventor of Dynamic tower, the world’s first building in motion. He has always been focused on two concepts: an industrial approach involving the use of prefabricated units, and Dynamic Architecture, where the traditional three-dimensional design meets a fourth dimension: Time. With his invention of the Dynamic tower, he is transforming Time to herald a New Era of Architecture.

CoreOne of those unique characteristics of Dynamic tower is undoubtedly its ability to move. Essentially, the Dynamic tower itself is being divided into different floors and all floors are connected and supported by the main core structure. The rotation of each floor then can be controlled by the owner or user of that floor; the frequency and direction of the rotation can be adjusted to the need of the owner or user. The benefit of such design is the ability for the user to enjoy the dynamic view of the surroundings of the building. The constantly changing view of the Dynamic tower combining with the modern Smart Home technologies making the Dynamic tower the most luxurious home anyone may reside in.

In addition to its most important feature of motion and dynamic shape, Dynamic tower uses the production method of prefabrication for most part of its construction. With this innovative way to assemble buildings, the time needed for the construction of Dynamic tower will be significantly less than the traditional construction method. Also, installation of prefabricated parts will reduce the environmental impact of the building on the surrounding.
photovoltaic ink on roof
Last but not least, Dynamic tower incorporate the technology of solar power. Photovoltaic ink is being placed on the roof of each and every single floor of the tower, with approximate 20% of all roofs exposing to sunlight on average, producing 8 times as much solar power than traditional buildings with photovoltaic panel on roof.

Dynamic tower opens the field of Dynamic Architecture and taking us to a new era of civilization with more dynamic space, faster construction potential, and greener technology.

To learn more about Dynamic Architecture and Dynamic tower, visit Dr. David Fisher Website.