Dream Facts



1. Have you ever had a night with a dreamless sleep? If you think you have, think again. Everybody can have up to several dreams per night on average.

2. Supporting the above fact, did you know you forget half of your dreams within minutes of waking up and 90 per cent in just 10 minutes?

3. Blind people can definitely dream as well. For those who were born blind, they dream with the four other senses (excluding sight). For those who were born with sight, they can still dream with vision.

4. And not just blind people, animals dream too! My dog goes nuts in her dreams and I usually have to wake her up because she’s too noisy.

5. Strangely, genders play a role. Men tend to dream about other men two thirds of the time, while women dream of both genders equally.

6. Often times, people experience sleep paralysis (when the brain awakes from the rapid eye movement sleep cycle, but you are still paralyzed in a half conscious state). You even experience your dreams visually!

7. Snoring is BAD. When you snore, you don’t dream. When you don’t dream, you don’t have a good night’s rest. Those who have chronic snoring experience sleep disorders.

8. Vivid dreams help you learn.

REM sleep begins when signals are broadcasted from the base of the brain, an area called the pons. The pons distributes signals to the thalamus, which directs them towards the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is the area of the brain responsible for learning, thinking, and organizing information. The pons also sends signals that shut off the neurons in the spinal cord, causing temporary paralysis during REM sleep. REM sleep activates the area of the brain that we use for learning. This may be an extremely important factor in normal brain development during infancy. It may explain why small children spend much more time in REM sleep then adults.

9. Every face in your dream was not created by you. Dream faces are taken from reality faces that we’ve seen but we may possibly not remember. It could be a random stranger walking past, a vendor, or even just a friend taken from your deep subconscious memory.

10. Dreams speak in significant symbolism and show signs. Not everyone dreams in color, some dream in black and white.

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