Don’t let money narrow your choices


Last week, my blog’s focus was on international studies. It’s not like it’s entirely new to our generation that we have options abroad, and since the International Baccalaureate (IB) has been established, students all over the world have the chance to receive an international education. But normally that’s where our knowledge and insight ends. Why? Money.

There are a few tricks to get away for less!

Here the top three options I have encountered while looking for a university myself:

1. Bucerius Law School Hamburg, Germany

The Bucerius Law School is one of the youngest law schools in Germany, but already one of the best. Attending that private law school is a privilege, since a rigorous application process containing three parts has to be passed. But all the efforts are worth it in the end: Graduates from the Bucerius Law School have an above average chance of getting a good paying job. All while offering the students a unique financing opportunity. They call it the “Reversed Generations-Contract.” Sounds like a super big and complicated system, but all it is is the following: The student attends school for free, until the studies are done, and they found a job. When having a job that pays more than 28.000€, for ten years, the students will pay 9% of their income every year to the university, until their fees are repaid. This permits students to always be certain that they have enough money for necessities in life.

2. Nordakademie Elmshorn, Germany

Nordakademie Elmshorn has a different approach. Since the school only offers co-op programs in business and engineering, the companies pay the students’ school fees, and while in the practical period, the companies also pay their students a reasonable pay, as if they were already working for them. Further, when the students are done their studies, most likely they are already guaranteed a spot with the company as an actual employee. Same as with the Bucerius Law School, the Nordakademie’s application process is rigorous, consisting of a four hour online test, and once that test is passed, the potential applicants have to apply to the companies of their choice, with a serious application such as adults.

3. Asking Companies for Money

Another very popular option is to talk to companies to sponsor new striving stars in the world of business. It, concept-wise, is pretty much like a combination of the co-op program and generations-contract. The company pays for the tuition, and once the student has a job, he/she pays the company back. In addition, the student, in order to receive funding in the first place, has to have a good application, which can result in the company also deciding to take on the student once graduated from university!

When I looked for a university spot that I could afford, I found these three options as most attractive. What’s interesting to note is that they are all in Germany.

Check out the links below! And I don’t just think it’s cool because I am German, but because it has been proven to be!

1. Top 10 Costliest Countries for Foreign Students Pursuing Higher Education
2. Top 5 Study Destinations in Europe
3. Germany Ranked Most Supportive Country for International Students
4. Germany’s new strategies in the race for international students
5. A Study Guide for International Students

Next in the series: How to convince a company of your strengths (Point 3)

Picture Sources:

Money: “ – Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph – Telegraph.” – Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph – Telegraph. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2013. 

Bucerius Law School: “manfred schulze-alex: foto- und videoproduktion, Hamburg.” manfred schulze-alex: foto- und videoproduktion, Hamburg. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2013. 

Nordakademie Elmshorn: “VELUX Dachfenster, Flachdach-Fenster, Tageslicht-Spots, Solarthermie, Rollläden, Sonnenschutz | VELUX.” VELUX Dachfenster, Flachdach-Fenster, Tageslicht-Spots, Solarthermie, Rollläden, Sonnenschutz | VELUX. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.

Money from Companies: “ASOS | Shop women’s fashion & men’s clothing | Free Delivery & Returns.” ASOS | Shop women’s fashion & men’s clothing | Free Delivery & Returns. N.p., n.d. Web. 



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Magdalena Mueller
Sometimes we can find our personalities in others, if we just chose to search for ourselves: “In the book Soldiers on the Home Front, I was greatly struck by the fact that in childbirth alone, women commonly suffer more pain, illness and misery than any war hero ever does. An what's her reward for enduring all that pain? She gets pushed aside when she's disfigured by birth, her children soon leave, hear beauty is gone. Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the continuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together.” ― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl “I'd rather be thought of as smart, capable, strong, and compassionate than beautiful. Those things all persist long after beauty fades.” ― Cassandra Duffy “The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.” ― C. JoyBell C.