Don’t get into video games – they are addictive


Ever heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” It most definitely applies to addictions as well.

The thing is, addictions are tough to handle. Luckily, I experienced this addiction when I was much younger, so the consequences were much less harmful then they could have been. But even now, as I complete my psychology research project about the very same topic, I find myself struggling. When you’re feeling stressed by homework and other thoughts, it can be tempting to turn to video games.


In Elementary and Junior High, I was seriously addicted to video games. I’d play six hours a day, and in the summer, I would play non-stop. I’d wake up in the morning and play all the way until night. It was serious, and my computer got locked up because of it. The effects are obvious, and everyone’s seen and heard of it.

But you’ve never really experienced something until you’ve actually experienced it.


I got into huge fights with my family, never attended meals or family activities, became depressed and constantly played games. It was hell. Even if I wasn’t actually enjoying it, I still continued to play it. Because at that point, you have nothing else in your life except for the game. Suicidal thoughts begin to creep in.

You may think that it’s harmless and that you know how to handle it. But not enough attention is drawn to video games. In reality, it’s just a drug for all ages.

Please, be aware of the effects of video games. Do not carelessly engage in six hour gaming sessions just because you have no homework. Do not resort to video games when you are procrastinating. Do not use video games to ease your pain. I’m serious.

The addiction is very, very hard to get out of. Even a few years after my addiction, it is still difficult to deal with. Which is understandable for gamers – it’s part of us, but you can’t let it control your life. Pick up another hobby to supplement your gaming, so that you can switch between the two to control yourself.


Here’s a couple of tips you can use to help prevent yourself from getting addicted:
– DO NOT RELY OR RESORT TO GAMES TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. (ie. during procrastination, depression, etc.) It becomes a conditioned behavior, and you will begin to play games every time you feel anxious or want to procrastinate, leading into an addiction. Practice self control.

– DO NOT PLAY MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAMES (MMORPG’s, like World of Warcraft.) They are literally designed to make you addicted. This is the one that catches the most people because of it’s social and grinding elements. Because everyone has to try everything once, at the very least, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN PLAYING THEM UNLESS YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO HAS DEALT WITH THIS ADDICTION BEFORE.

– ENGAGE IN CONTROLLED SESSIONS WHILE YOU CAN. Don’t go wild when you have free time and you are allowed to play video games. Control yourself while you can. Remind yourself that you can always play later, and engage in another activity. If you practice self control now, you will be able to resist the addiction. Giving in does not get rid of your desire to play video games – it only enhances it. You will not get tired of it, because even if you do become tired of it, you will simply rest up and get back into bigger gaming sessions.