Don’t Date Your Friends


I know that there are loads of people who disagree with me on this, but in my opinion, dating your friends is a terrible decision. It may seem like a great plan from the outside, since you already know them better than anyone else, you know you care about them, and it’s not like you can choose who you have feelings for. But I really think it’s the worst idea ever.

I know I may sound like a complete pessimist, and you’re probably thinking “What does this kid know, she’s only fifteen”, but just hear me out. When you’re in a relationship with someone, you have them, and then your friends. It’s a separate thing. And as you date this person they may become one of your best friends, which is cool, but you still have friends on the outside. So when you break up with the person you’re dating, you have people to fall back on. Again, I know how pessimistic this whole thing sounds, but at fifteen, the chances of relationships lasting a long time are slim. If you start dating your best friend, and you two break up, it’s going to possibly be more painful than usual. You’re losing both your partner and best friend.

Now I’m going to speak a little bit from personal experience. Last year, I started to have feelings for one of my best friends, and to my surprise, they liked me too. The two of us started dating, and I’m not gonna lie to you, it was pretty spectacular. We dated for a year and four months. I know, that’s a long time, especially for a relationship that started in junior high. Sadly, somewhere along the line, we realized things weren’t working out between us and we decided to break up. Since we were best friends before (and during) our relationship, we did what everyone does. We tried to stay friends. That ended up being a lot harder than I expected it to be. This person was so incredibly important to me, and I was used to talking to them about everything. But as soon as we broke up, we entered this weird middle ground where everything was uncomfortable. Not being able to talk to them was so incredibly painful, and no matter what either of us did, it was awkward.

Five months later, we barely talk. Anyone who can makes friendships work after a break up, I commend you. Maybe my experience is completely different than anyone else’s, but in my opinion, dating your best friend, sucks.