How to donate without spending a penny (part 2)

Amid all the glitz and glamour of the holiday season (coughconsumerismcough), it can be quite easy to forget its true meaning:
Continued from last week, here are more ways to bring out your inner Santa without breaking the bank:
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  1. Old clothing/toys/electronics/furniture/everything-but-the-kitchen-sink
    You know that sweater that doesn’t fit anymore? That teddy bear gathering dust in your closet? It’s time they moved on to someone who can really use them. There may be bins sitting year-round in your community waiting for your white elephants to be dropped off.
    If not, this website has a really helpful list on where your gently used items can find a new home. (There’s a TON of resources on the web. Just give it a quick search.) For example, there’s Life Without Limits from the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta and Clothesline from the Canadian Diabetes Association.
    Not only do the funds raised provide needed programs and services for a wide variety (your choice!) of causes, they also reduce your impact on the earth. You can even have them picked up at your doorstep!
    You can also pop by Recyle Logic (in Currie Barracks) to drop off old electronics and donate to the Food Bank in one trip.
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  2. NOMS! Food
    Made By Momma is “a Calgary-area volunteer group providing wholesome nourishment and nurturing care” to families dealing with tough times.
    You can become a Freezer Fairy, unleash your inner Bakeaholic, or start/join a Chop Squad and whip up yummy food in your own kitchen to drop off at freezer locations.
    Once again, the Food Bank is always looking for extra non-perishable food items.
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  3. Time, energy, passion! (I saved the best for last.)
    This, is my opinion, is the best way to get in holiday spirit, have fun, and get that incredible warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
    You can volunteer just about ANYWHERE for ANYTHING you care about ANYTIME with ANYONE (bring your buddies!)
    (especially at and
    Look – Sheliza has conjured up a list of holiday volunteering for you!