Doctor Who: the new Doctor’s here!

The Doctor (middle), with his companions, Clara (left), and Danny (right)
The Doctor (middle), with his companions, Clara (left), and Danny (right)

It’s finally here! The much awaited season 8 of the British science fiction television show, Doctor Who! The Whovians have been waiting, with bated breath, for the regenerated Doctor to make an appearance in their favourite television show, and they weren’t disappointed. While the 10th and 11th Doctors showed their bright sides to the audience, the 12th Doctor shows his darker side, which is quite a huge difference compared to the previous Doctors. Another surprise is the transition from the young, joyful faces of 9, 10, and 11, to the old, serious face of 12. The previous Doctors have showed compassion for human beings, however, 12 doesn’t understand them.

Peter Capaldi, the actor who plays the 12th Doctor, has refrained from having any romance between the Doctor and his companion, Clara. He states that he chooses so due to the huge age difference between himself and Jenna Coleman, and he says, “I’m not your boyfriend,” to her at the end of the new episode, Deep Breath.

The new season 8’s first episode, featuring Capaldi, is based on the new Doctor and his regeneration. There have been mixed reviews from the audience, both positive and negative. Many love the new, dark side of 12, but others have complained about Capaldi’s age, and they’re having a hard time coping with the huge change from the younger, happier Doctors. They have become attached to Matt Smith, the actor who plays the 11th Doctor.

I, personally, couldn’t wait for the new Doctor, although I was in no hurry to see Smith leave the show. I love the Doctor’s different side, and it brings a whole new plot line to the show. The previous Doctors had romantic flings which had heartbreaking endings, and having no flirting or love is a nice change from the usual story. What are your thoughts on the new season and the new Doctor in Doctor Who?