DIY a stand-out Halloween costume: Coke can curlers


Every year, you see a variety of Disney princesses and superheroes running across the lighted streets on Halloween nights. Even though these costumes are easy to find and super cute, they gradually lose their originality and people begin to classify you as “one of the princesses/superheros”.  However, there are several Halloween costumes which are super easy to make but it will make you pop in a crowd.

Inspired by Lady Gaga, we are going to make Coke can curlers which takes very little time to put on and to remove. Let’s be honest here, who actually has the energy to remove a costume for an hour after a tiresome night of trick-or-treating?

You need:

1 hair brush/comb

5-8 empty coke cans (CLEAN)

Bobby pins



  1. Clean out approximately 3-5 empty soda cans, or if you have hair that is long and thick, clean out 8-10 cans. Wrap a hair band around each of the cans.
  2. Comb hair thoroughly to remove any tangles.
  3. Section hair into the five sections or more. The sections do not have to be perfectly even. However, each strand should not be too thick as bobby pins may not be able to support.
  4. Spray hairspray on a strand of hair, and wrap the strand of hair around a aluminum can. Pin the top and the bottom of the curl with bobby pins. Repeat this step with the other strands.
  5. Check out yourself and fix all the strands and YOUR DONE!
  6. Get your Gaga mode ON!
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