DIY Fun Easter Projects


Easter is coming up very soon, and children will be having fun, going on egg hunts and celebrating the Easter Bunny. But what will we, the teens and tweens, do? Will we be sulking in our rooms, huddled next to our laptops? This Easter you can do something different, maybe you can even be the Easter Bunny himself (sorry to break it to you bunny believers, but by now you should be pretty familiar with parents and how they give children false hope). I’ve compiled a bunch of fun projects for you to do for Easter.

DIY Pretzel Nest Brownies (A recipe from:

~~If you’re looking for a fun but messy recipe to sweeten things up on Easter, look below~~

 Materials: Brownies, pretzel sticks, half a bag of chocolate chips, two tablespoons of peanut butter and chocolate eggs.

First, you must prepare your brownies (homemade or bought, both are fine). While your brownies anests4re baking(or just sitting on the table waiting to be decorated), use a double boiler or a microwave  to heat up your mixture for the nest decorations. For your nest decoration mixture, add chocolate chips and two  tablespoons of peanut butter first. Then, after the mixture is heated up, mixed and smoothed (easier to stir) break your pretzel sticks into thirds and add according to how much nesting  decoration you want. The more pretzel sticks, the less chocolate per pretzel. Then, after you have  finished the nesting, check for your brownies or prepare them. Place around a spoonful of pretzel  mixture onto each brownie, and, for a finishing touch, add chocolate eggs to the nesting while it is  still warm. Voila! There is your Easter recipe! Check out website for more:

DIY Easter Egg Containers

~~ Want something cheap, easy and decorative for Easter? Try this DIY! ~~

Materials: Balloons, ribbons, string, modgepodge (or anything that functions similarly to modgepodge), paint (optional)

First, blow your balloons to whatever size you wish.For egg hunting activities, you can put candies into the balloons before you blow them up. After you have done that, dip the strings/ribbons into your modgepodge and wrap them tightly around the balloons. Always leave a little space around the tied part of the balloons. After first layer has dried, add more layers. Modgepodge dries clear, and it may diminish the colour of the strings. To add more colours, you can paint over the strings. After everything has dried, pop the balloon on the inside. This project can be used for egg hunts or just simple decoration.