DIY: Dried Roses


1236046_644445165580729_815024621_nAbout two weeks ago, one day after school my boyfriend showed up with a beautiful surprise for me: a bouquet of roses. I did all that I could to help them last as long as possible, change their water daily, fed them plant food, trimmed their stems, but regardless of my efforts, after two weeks my roses were looking a little sorry. My side table looked barren without them, so I decided, why not dry them? A quick Google search later, I had found a variety of options for drying roses, with options ranging from putting them in sand, to keeping them to dry for months. I opted for the Instructables option- hanging the flowers to dry. Here’s how:

Step One: Cut off any unwanted leafs and thorns, I personally kept the prettier leafs intact. Then pick off any wilted petals that are beginning to fall off.

Step Two: Take an old hanger and hang your flowers from the hanger upside-down using string, like so:

Hanging Flowers

Leave your flowers to dry for a week or two.

Step Three: Arrange your flowers in a pretty vase and enjoy!

Dried Roses