With all the cool apps, effects, and filters that can be applied to photos, photography is becoming a big thing. I mean, look at Instagram- it’s absolutely huge. However, cool effects and tricks can also be created without the use of some sort of pre-programmed application. Yes, that’s right- an effect that you can proudly say was done on your own, without the help of a program doing the trick for you.
For this filter effect, all you need is an elastic, some Vaseline, plastic wrap, and,-of course- a camera.
- Start by wrapping some plastic wrap over the camera lens. Make sure to make it as smooth as possible, and try and get rid of any creases the wrap may create. Secure the plastic with an elastic.

2. Next, take some Vaseline and carefully put it on the outer edges of the wrap, over the lens.
3. Take a picture! Experiment by placing the Vaseline in various areas around the lens and have fun creating some cool photos!