Diy: Adventure Time snowflakes


These aren’t your regular old Elementary school snowflakes, they’re way better! Here’s some instructions on how to make, Adventure Time inspired paper snowflakes!

1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it diagonally so it looks like a triangle shape


2. Cut off small rectangular side so the paper is a triangle

3. Fold the paper again so it looks like a smaller triangle, and then flip it so one point is facing downwards.


4. Fold it into thirds



5. Fold one side, then the other over top.


6.  Cut off access paper so it looks like one triangle.


7. Draw any shape you want to and cut it out! (make sure it is on the unfolded edge, so the pieces aren’t separate)

To make my Ice King snowflake, I simply traced out his silhouette onto the paper
To make my Ice King snowflake, I simply traced out his silhouette onto the paper

8. TADA! There you have it; your very own Adventure Time paper snowflake!

I have made an Ice King inspired snowflake:


And a Finn the Human inspired one:


What character will you make?