So there I was, walking through the evening rush at Stephen Avenue. People were filtering out of buildings, for it was finally time to go back home and relax with a cup of coffee on that chilly (summer/fall) day. Music resonating in my ears, I stumbled (literally stumbled- I had tripped on my own feet a few steps prior) across these people who were showing real DNA. Naturally, I found myself gravitating towards the station; a smiling young man greeted me and offered me a piece of strawberry in a Ziploc bag, asking me to crush it.
I obliged, battling the cold breeze (I had been sick the entire week, thus the effect was worse on me). Using all the strength I could draw from my frozen knuckles, I crushed them. An equally enthusiastic woman appeared, pouring soap solution into the plastic bag, asking me to ensure it was mixed well, and I did so.

Here’s the interesting part.
The crushed strawberry was poured down a cheesecloth into a test tube, into which isopropyl alcohol was added.
And the DNA was suspended into the alcohol!
I couldn’t contain my surprise and extreme joy upon seeing such a miracle. I almost did a victory dance.

Yes, I have a victory dance.
(To a student of modern science, it is things as such that cause the most happiness 🙂 )
So what actually caused the DNA to separate?
Here’s the “magic”!
When the strawberry was crushed by me, the cells separated, the effect which was heightened by the addition of the soap solution which further weakened the bonds between the cells. Isopropyl alcohol floated atop the strawberry-soap solution, and pulled the DNA towards itself, thus leaving me speechless.

Although I took a picture of them, I had been in a hurry and thus note down their names or which organisation they are from. If any one of you knows either of them, please say “thank you”! I feel so enlightened, and honestly, I smiled and whistled all the way home.
So, the lesson of the day is, go exploring. Visit places you’d normally avoid. You never know what you may find there 🙂