Depression, explained by a comic


Recently, as I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a page my friend had liked, called Hyperbole and a Half. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it and quickly saw that it was based off a website/blog full of stories told in comic form. I scrolled down the page, and was intrigued by this: Screen Shot 2014-08-13 at 5.41.57 PM     Which led me here. After reading that, I found my way to this. Hyperbole and a Half is one women’s blog. She tells personal stories (with exaggeration, hence “hyperbole”) through comic illustrations. In fact, she’s published a book of her adventures too. Although I haven’t read it YET, my friends have and they are CRAZY about it. In light of recent events, a.k.a. the suicide of Robin Williams, I thought it would be meaningful to give you guys those links. Why? Because those two comic stories are about the author’s journey through depression. All too often, people stigmatize mental illness, or, more commonly, they make assumptions about what it is and isn’t, and what it means to struggle with mental health. Yes, you could read the two comics as something amusing and for light entertainment. But I challenge you to read them to try and learn a thing or two about this serious mental illness that way too many people are facing. I strongly believe that the more open society is about depression and mental health struggles, the easier it will be to avoid results like what happened to Robin Williams.