Dear Santa: This Christmas I Want to Give


Christmas is a time of year that many look forward to: waking up on December 25 to a Christmas tree surrounded with presents, spending time with family as we sip hot chocolate by the fire. Christmas is a time to give and a time to cherish as we spend time with loved ones. People can get lost in the excitement of buying expensive presents that they forget to give to those who are not able to afford to give gifts. There are many globally and even within Canada that cannot even put dinner on the table. So maybe this Christmas, instead of worrying about what iPhone case to get your mum, or a new wallet for your dad, lets give to those who can’t; lets make a change. Every bit makes a difference, no matter how small. If everyone takes part, it can be something huge. Next time you spend $3 (or more!) on a Gingerbread Latte at Starbucks this Christmas season, think of those less fortunate. When I was little I lived in Africa, where I saw kids every day with nothing other than the clothes on their backs and no bed to be tucked into at night, who would spend every day trying to survive for the next. I believed in Santa Clause, but I would always wonder that if I asked Santa Clause for a doll and got it, why all of these families wouldn’t just ask for a house and get it, or ask for clean water or food. Life is so simple when it is seen through the eyes of a child, but in reality it can be as simple as that. There are so many wealthy people, especially in our part of the world, who receive things that we don’t even need for Christmas, and if that money was given to those in need, it can and would change lives.