My very last day of highschool


For most of my friends their last day for high school was back on June 13, 2017.

For me it was the last Friday of July this year. I just had a bit of upgrading to do before I started university.  This last month was truly enjoyable for me, it wasn’t just about getting good grades and stressing all of the time. It was about me and my friends having healthy competition and just having a good time whenever we could because other wise we would juts be roasting each other on our group chat while our amazing teacher taught us the fundamental counting principal. I feel like this was my proper goodbye to the last 16 years of my life. A healthy, stress free and fun way to end such a big chapter in my life. And yes, 16 years, I forced my parents to put me into preschool when I was a year and a half.  My friends and I, called ourselves the memeteam, but in the end it became the dream team. With our daily visits to CPU by Centennial, and Mirza’s crazy manual driving, Alex’s dark depressing humor, Richard’s instagram page dedicated to his booty gains, and Aden’s multitude of faces, and Leili’s obsession with her puppy, Tess’ genius, and Brooklyn with her country music, we were a family. Five hours a day every day we spent together and just made the most of it to make it still feel like we weren’t missing out on summer.

As soon as I turned the other way from my new friends I had made that summer, as soon as I pushed out the first door I could feel weight being lifted off my chest. And as soon as I walked through the second set of doors, it was like this huge weight was taken off my chest. I was relieved. And as a friend said to me that day “For them they still have some way to go. For us, it’s the beginning of the rest of the rest of our our lives.” We’re out for good. Finally. And as cliché I might sound, it does feel like the beginning of the rest of my life. This big chapter is officially over. Over for good. I’ve been looking forward to this since, well since the beginning of high school, and I guess since I was 7 years old. I couldn’t wait for it to be over and now it is. I just have three exam hours left. And thats it.

My last month, my last day was everything I ever wanted it to be, and I don’t think it could have ended any better.