We Day: Empowering a generation


On November 3, I had the pleasure of going to We Day Alberta! This was my first year in attendance, and I was excited to be given the opportunity. I was not too sure what I to expect, but one thing’s for sure: when I left, I felt inspired.


There were many great things said during the event and great presenters on stage that gave truly inspiring speeches.

I want to draw your attention to two really great causes that were spoken about.


You may be asking yourself, “What in the world is up with this ‘rafiki’ thing?”

In Swahili, rafiki means friend. Each of these beaded jewelleries is made by a mama who, with the purchase of her art, is able to make a living, afford to send their kids to school, and show the world how beautiful and rich her culture is. Buying one of these gives mamas the opportunity to create positive change in their communities. Helping each other out, isn’t that what friends are for?

By buying a Rafiki Friend Chain you are participating as part of Free the Children’s Adopt A Village program, a program that gives a child the ultimate gifts of clean water, to school supplies, to healthcare, and more.

Interesting in learning more? Click here.


On top of being cute, for a family in a developing nation a goat can open many doors for possibilities. A goat can produce 16 cups of milk a day; that’s a lot of nutrition that families would otherwise not get. They would have the option of selling some of this milk to generate an alternate income. With this money families are then able to afford the essentials, like health care and education. Some of these goats can also have baby goats and the family would have the opportunity raise a herd. This program is one of many at Free the Children to help families in developing nations prosper.

The best part of all of this is that you can help!

1. Just sign up at weactprogram.com/wecreatechange

2. Collect 25 toonies ($50)

3. Roll them and donate them at an RBC* bank

One goat empowers a family economically and empowerment is equal to a world of opportunities.

* You can visit any branch to do this. Donate your coins at Free The Children account #1001437 and branch #0126511.