Dawn Patrol, a photographic exploration


To most, spring break is a time to stay up all night and then sleep long past dawn. Today I gave myself a challenge; wake up at 6:30 and be out taking pictures before sunrise. Here are my five favourites.


Dawn photography is known for being awesome for, well, the dawn of course! A beautiful sunrise always makes a breathtaking image, but of course, the morning I decide to get up is pretty cloudy. Still, cloudy skies can make for bold images.



Old cars are fun close ups. During my Scooby-Doo phase (also know as my entire life) I wanted a Westfalia so I could paint it like the mystery machine, pretty cool as long as I don’t have to deal with any ghosts!


The silhouette of the tree is really my favourite part of this picture. This is a great example of how anything can make an interesting photograph if you look at the world from a different angle.


The most difficult part of macro-mode is getting the camera to focus, mine kept wanting me to look at the houses in the background, boring!


Taking pictures of the sights around me reminds me to appreciate the beauty in everyday life, especially now as we begin to swing into the green renewal of spring.







  1. Creative pictures, Lauren. Try taking some in a rain or mist. You’ll need a tripod for those. Another good time is flowers at dusk. Take the same picture of various times during the day and see with what you come out.

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