Mac Pro is Darth Vader’s trash can?


As you may know, the latest Mac Pro was dubbed as Darth Vaders Trash Can due to the recent change in aesthetics and possibly specs. Today we are going to compare the  2013 edition of the Mac Pro and the 2012 edition to see what Apple has changed.

I will start with the design of the product. The 2012 Mac Pro case had a white coat and a much larger body which over all played out to be fairly bulky.

Secondly the specifications of the devices. The 2013 edition has two different specifications, a cheaper version, as well as a more expensive Mac Pro.

For the purpose of this comparison we will be using the more cost effective version of the Mac Pro. The 2013 comes with a quad core processor with up to 3.7 Ghz while the previous Mac Pro had a 3.2 Ghz quad core processor. Ram is a sector in which the newest Mac Pro did well with, 12 gigabytes of DDR3 ram while the 2012 edition had only half of that.

Apple has done a good job on updating the graphics cards of the new Mac Pro. Upgrading to not one but two graphics cards, they are Dual AMD FirePro D300 with 4 gigabytes of video RAM, total of the two Graphics cards. Compared to last years specsm, these are spectacular as the 2012 editon only had a ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1 gigabyte of GDDR5 memory.

There as also been a change on the inside of the device, as most of the extra space seems to be gone, however there are also downsides to this. The new design does not allow for modification of the Mac Pro, due to lack of space and shape differences. And lastly the price, Apple has hiked up the price from what is currently $1200 for the 2012 edition to $3000 for the latest Mac Pro.

Overall, in my opinion the 2013 Mac Pro is over priced compared to the  2012 edition, but it does show potential in what Apple has shown us what they can do to create a high performance computer.