Darfur’s Suffering Needs to End. Now.


In today’s world, we imagine genocide to be a thing of the past.  “We’ve moved past Hitler’s era,” we say, and we honestly believe that nothing like that could ever happen again.

Except it can. And it’s happening now.

If you don’t know what’s happening in Darfur, check this video out for a quick run-down:

*Warning: Some of the photos included in this video are very graphic*

[youtube hXdWDM4fmRY]

If you are interested in finding out what’s really happening over there, these websites follow events quite closely, and are very educational:


Eyes On Darfur

As you can see, there IS something going wrong in Darfur, and it needs to be stopped.  Small things you may do to help could be as simple as donating a small amount to aid organizations, such as Amnesty International, or raising awareness in your community or school.  These people need the help of our country, and we are Canada’s driving force.

Let’s show the world we care.