

I wrote a poem about the ongoing genocide in Darfur; let me know what you think in the comments section! If you want to learn more on what you can do to help or need more information, see 24 Hours for Darfur.

Innocence taken,
Righteousness faken,
The G-word mentioned not
the enemy will not be fought
the USA not stepping in
they don’t care if we lose or win
Discrimination, hate, and rape
Is it the people of Darfur’s fate?

How many lives must be lost?
They might gain land, but look at the cost
Everyone realizes but nobody acts
No lies, No mistake, these are the facts.
Some may have died, but the war is not over
Backward we retreat, Janjaweed blocked our way forward
Devils on horseback were their name
They’re sinking to hell, a bloody path to fame.


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