The Cycle of Change


What would happen if we never changed ourselves? Our ways, our mindsets, our outlooks… It seems that we’re always either trapped within a cycle or travelling along an upwards spiral.

With the former, we put ourselves into a stagnant position, where nothing terribly bad or terribly great ever happens. It’s always a desirable place to be in because why go through all the trouble when you can be perfectly happy as is? But the issue here is at this stage, we’re simply riding a plateau, inhibiting growth and potential. It’s not the nature of the cycle that traps us; it’s our own nature that traps us into the cycle. Our own minds stop us from striving for greatness, instead preferring complacency. What ultimately differs between a cycle and an upwards spiral is committing to change (or lack thereof).

Change nothing and nothing changes.

To actually “change” something about ourselves in order to improve and grow is only 1% of the struggle. For instance, if you’re not a particularly healthy eater (like myself), it’s really easy to go an entire day without eating snacks and say, “I’ve changed to a healthy eater!” 99% of the challenge is about actually committing to what we’ve said to change about ourselves.

The cycle of change – its direction and path – is entirely within the control of our own hands. If you’re satisfied with where you currently are, there’s no reason to cause unnecessary stress in your life to change yourself just because “you need to keep growing” and there’s “always something to improve”. Time and place are always factors you should consider when wanting to change a certain aspect about yourself or your life so don’t be so hard on yourself all the time! But there’s something that’s blocking a goal of yours or you know you can make the commitment, aim for change!

One day or day one. You decide.

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