Dying for power: A creepy renewable resource


Could you live without your cellphone? What about your laptop or tablet? What about any electricity at all? No warm showers, no warm food (unless you could make a fire), nothing. If our energy ran out at some point, this would be the reality. So faced with no other choice, could you live without power?

Well now, with this new renewable resource, you never have to live a second of your life contemplating such a fate. We are addicted to energy and this new invention gives us the ability to never be without it. So let’s all abandon our earth-harming ways and turn to this clean alternative of bio energy harvesting devices.

Are you with me? Then let’s take a look at what a future without fossil fuels could look like.


Your battery will last for literally as long as you live because you are the power source.

The Blinker: The first object modeled above, generates power through the motion of you eyelids going up and down, as this causes more blood flow to your eye/nose area.

The Pulse-Conductor: Attached to your back between your shoulder blades, your body completes the micro energy cell circuit.

The Blood Bridge: This device generates energy through the two opposing hypodermic needles that allow your blood to spin the hydro micro turbine (think wind turbines but on a very small scale).

These pieces are all embedded into your skin and they harness the kinetic energy of your blood flow, transforming it to potential electrical energy that can be used by the electrical devices we have to come to rely so heavily upon. Invented by Naomi Kizhner, these objects can be used as jewelry to add to your fashionable look, coming soon to a store near you. Save the earth, feed the addiction. The question now simply is: Would you?

To answer the question in a short survey of curiousity, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5B8QXJZ

Video from: http://vimeo.com/100335206
To see Naomi Kizhner’s website go to: http://www.naomikizhner.com/#!final-project–energy-addicts/c7q0