Tired of ordering plain ol’ flowers from the flower shop? Bouquets are nice, but expensive; so what should a person do?
Well, if you have the time, here are a few alternatives:
1. Using food coloring on flowers
With reference to a blog post by Anne Osterrieder, and simple science, you can change the color of a flower! When you slice the ends of the flower up, you can stick them into a jar of food coloring and watch the magic unfold!
2. Ribbon flowers
Julia wrote an awesome blog about creating ribbon hair flowers. You can use a similar technique and attach it to a ‘stem’ instead of a clip!
3. Tissue paper flowers
This awesome Pinterest post has a picture guide of how to create a flower using tissue paper! Another post has a guide for coffee filter flowers!
4. Felt flowers
Another awesome guide has been created for felt flowers!