Crash Course: Entertaining educational videos


What is Crash Course? 

As the name implies, Crash Course is an educational YouTube channel that provides a crash course, or a condensed and simplified discussion on a subject. John Green and Hank Green, which are names you may be familiar with, run this channel. John teaches literature, US history and world history, while Hank teaches psychology, chemistry, biology and ecology.

Why should you care?

Exploring personal interest: For me, I have a burning curiosity about psychology, but that’s not a course I can take until next year. Rather than waste my time, Crash Course has quick and accessible videos that allows me to spend my time meaningfully over summer break. Not only that, the videos are complete with animations and easy to follow explanations that help me to understand, rather than memorize facts.


What’s being taught in class is confusing or boring: This is an issue that’s near and dear to my heart. Each student has learning preferences, and sometimes the teacher explaining the material can leave you lost or unmotivated. Crash Course encourages learning by presenting the material in a different manner, which often leads to a clearer understanding on that topic. Best of all, you can always pause and go over sections until you’re sure you get it.

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Studying for that test or exam: Maybe you’re trying to cram studying the night before a big bio exam – Crash Course is a great to review what you know. I’m not saying to completely ditch your notes and throw away your textbook, but sometimes watching a video to act as a visual reminder is a good way to refresh your memory.

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Adding on to what you already know: When I was doing a novel study on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, I was surprised to find that John also made a video on it. After watching it, I found that while it did reaffirm several aspects that I already knew, he also discussed about things that weren’t even mentioned within class. In short, there’s a lot more to learn besides what you’re taught in school, so take advantage of your available resources to explore deeper.

Closing Remarks 

Your education is a lifelong endeavor, you will continue to learn long after you graduate. True learning happens not when you achieve high grades, but rather when you take you education into your own hands and demonstrate genuine passion for it. School is more than finishing one tedious assignment after another to get your diploma, it’s about equipping you with the tools to better understand the world around you.

And as John and Hank would say: DFTBA! (Don’t Forget To Be Awesome!)



John’s Twitter:

Hank’s Twitter: