Cool Facts about the Brain that you may never have heard of before!


If there is one thing I could read for hours about, it is our human brain. It is the reason we can survive, it helps us in times of fear and allows us to make decisions. Without it, we literally would not be able to function. Here are some cool facts I recently read that might interest you!

The brain’s storage is considered unlimited.

The brain has over 86 billion neurons that connect with one another over time increasing the storage capacity because it can create about 1 quadrillion connections. This is affected when people undergo Alzheimer’s. As long as the brain is healthy, the storage can be considered unlimited!


60% of the human brain is made up of fat!

For those of you biochemistry lovers, research has shown that fatty acids are one of the most important molecules that allow the brain to function properly. One familiar fatty acid you may have heard of before is omega 3, found in fish. This helps with brain development in the fetal period.

The brain uses 20% of the body’s oxygen.

Oxygen and energy travel to the brain through the blood vessels since the neurons require energy. If there is a lack of energy in the brain, one cannot function and may undergo neurological disorders.

Sweating can shrink your brain.

In the United Kingdom, scientists discovered that when one sweats for 90 minutes without drinking any fluid, the brain shrinks as it loses fluid and can even be equivalent to a year of ageing. This is why it is important to stay hydrated.

Learning new languages can boost your brain’s cognition.

In a 2018 literature review from, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, scientists discovered that learning foreign languages may help the older population as it enhances their cognitive abilities. Many articles have compared languages to a gym for the brain. Using different languages urges people to use their memory and therefore, decrease the chances of losing it.


These are just a few out of many fun facts I have found as I have read more and more about our brains. I hope these may have inspired you to either learn a new language or also read about it as it’s always good to keep learning.



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