Cool Cats


What’s one thing that Calgary has been needing? The place that has so much whimsy that Willy Wonka would be jealous of. A place where one could truly relax and reach the ultimate calm, a cat cafe! The one place that is just about cats and all their glory. But not only that, it mixes everybody’s second favorite thing — food.  That place is called Regal Cat Cafe.

Don’t worry there’s two separate areas for eating and gazing at the best animals in existence. So anybody with allergies could still go and have a great time.  Probably the best part is that the cats are all from the MEOW Foundation, a no-kill charity that specializes in helping cats and making sure that they get the cats to a good home full of love. If you do fall in love with a furry companion, you can always adopt it.


The cafe is going to have reservations because only a specific number of people are allowed for the benefit of the cats to not overwhelm them . Each reservation is 45 minutes but they also have four walk-in spots for each time, if you just so happen to be in the neighbourhood.

The Regal Cat Cafe is now open in Kensington and it’s the purrfect place to make a reservation for any cat-lover. It mixes cats, adoption, charity, coffee and food, the best things in the world.