ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards 2012 updates


Planning for the 2012 ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards (YODA) is well underway, with 15 awesome youth steering committee members working together to create the most successful year yet!

YODA recognizes deserving youth 13-18 years of age for their extraordinary achievements, passion and dedication to the community. The awards are unique in that they are not academic. This year, there are two new award categories: Sportmanship and Arts and Culture.

The nomination deadline is March 5, 2012. ANYONE (yes, you!) can nominate a youth for any of the categories. Please start considering the amazing youth you know! The ceremony will be held on May 5, 2012.

For more information about the nomination criteria and how to nominate a youth, watch the video below.

2012 Nomination Form
2012 Nominator’s Questionnaire