Communicating with just Emojis


Are you getting tired of those tireless memes, overwhelming #hashtags, or those pestering spam messages on social media? The creators of Emojli attempt to ratify these cumbersome issues by launching a messaging app that only allows communication through emojis; essentially, it will be an “emojli-only network.” This app, perhaps, arises in the midst of trying to find a closer touch of human nature through virtual means.

Check out the promotional video for Emojli below:

You can register with Emojli by clicking this link.

If you have ever watched I, RobotRobocop, or the like, you will probably recognize the questioning that one may pose to the extent of the human connection through technology. Can technology generate an environment where raw emotions can be exchanged? Or is technology only ever able to produce a facsimile of the human condition? These are all valid questions when analyzing the use and success of an app, such as Emojli.

The whole point of Emojli is to relay on basic human emotions through the use of emojis. Some people may argue that  Emojli is further shortening the depth of conversation through the restrictions of a selection of characters. But perhaps, society must strip away Internet slang and abbreviations that exploit the English language, in search of a more effective way to communicate digitally. It will be an intriguing experiment with its launch in August, to see if actual communication can take place through little characterized pictures.

We have all fallen victim to misunderstandings through chatting online and/or texting. But will emojis truly rectify these uncomfortable situations? With sayings like, “The eyes are the window to the soul,” and “A picture says a thousand words,” emojis do have the potential of relaying on our feelings. But with a limited selection, an emoji-only conversation may cause further confusion and wreak havoc in the online world. Only time and experimentation will tell if emojis can be the future of society’s search for the best means of communication in this digital age.