Coming Back Better Than Ever


Yeah, we all have a love-hate relationship with our school. We all get scared to go back and want to seem like you’ve come back from summer cooler than ever. New look? Hair? Nails? Nope! School supplies! Yeah. I know it sounds boring but it’s true! Don’t you love it when you roll up into Staples to get some swanky new supplies and making it look fabulous along the way because I do! The new binders that smell still of China and have no marks or scratches (yet). The erasers have no poked holes, no pencil or pen marks or weird “yes or no” games made out of them; just pure sweet supplies. We all know by the end of the year you have no pencils, have lost just about all your supplies somehow and everything is just trash! No way you’re using it next year especially if you’re trying to impress.


I’m not saying it’s all rainbows and sunshine because there are a lot of downsides. For instance, back to school clothing sales. Yup, it all seems jolly well until you see the perfect designer denim skinny jeans with a little bit of distress that you cannot live without. Your dreams automatically crushed by the fact that 1) it’s really expensive, 2) not on sale, and 3) your mom won’t buy it for you because the jeans on sale are good enough. But you can’t walk into a new year of school with your clothes screaming “good enough!” you need fabulous, perfect, designer! Just like the jeans you saw at the mall but at the end of the day, it’s not the clothes you wear on your back, or the brand new kitten pencil case you walk around with because in 20 years from now these clothes won’t fit you and you won’t need the messed up eraser. It’s what matters in your brain so use your school year wisely and peace out recruits! =3  <3


“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts” ~Albert Einstein~

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