Cold Porcelain Art


My friend had recently introduced to me how to make cold porcelain. She showed me many of the trinkets she has made using this recipe and, being artistically challenged, I could only admire them. Cold porcelain is a cheap alternative to clay or fimo and is super easy to make. I would like to share this recipe with you artistic people out there, I’m sure you’ll be able to do much better than I did.


Things you need for this recipe are:

1 cup of cornstarch

1 cup of glue (the type you get from Wal-Mart)

2 tablespoons of baby oil

2 tablespoons of vinegar


Mix the ingredients together to form a smooth paste. Heat the mixture for 30 seconds in the microwave, then remove it and stir well. Repeat this step 3-5 times until the paste can be easily rolled into a ball. Lather your hands with cold cream and knead the dough for 5-10 minutes, then wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge to cool for a few hours. You can dye the cold porcelain with acrylic paint, simply dabbing a few drops onto the dough and kneading it until the color blends. If sealed correctly, the dough should stay soft for around half a month, be careful to keep it in an air sealed bag, the porcelain hardens very fast in contact with air.  Click here to view a walk-through of how to make cold porcelain.



Then comes the fun part (which I failed miserably at), making cute little things out of the porcelain. My friend used her porcelain to make macaroons, donuts, and cupcakes, which she plans on selling in the future. Pinterest is filled with tutorials for making cellphone charms or key chains with cold porcelain. This would make a nice little hobby for you artists out there!