Cloud9 Get Blasted Out of Blast Pro Series: Copenhagen 2019


Cloud9 are crashing out of the sky and burning on re-entry.  They got absolutely railroaded at Blast Pro Series: Copenhagen 2019.

Cloud9 did not win a single map at Blast Pro Series: Copenhagen 2019.  They were absolutely dominated by NiP, Astralis, and Liquid even though they themselves seemed out of form.  They lost 6-16 against NiP on Overpass, they lost 4-16 against Liquid on Inferno, and lost 3-16 against Astralis on Nuke.  These losses amounted to their last place finish at the event.  Cloud9 has been on a steady decline for a while, and the trend looks like it will continue.  After four months of being together as a line-up, their game-play looks worse.  Even though their line-up is filled with star players, they can’t even compete with top teams.  One thing is clear.  Cloud9 sucks.

Cloud9’s line-up is filled with star players.  Autimatic, mixwell, koosta, daps, and Subroza are all well known star players.  It’s very surprising to see how poorly they have been performing for so long.  It did not get better with this event.  In fact, all five members of the Cloud9 line-up were at the bottom of the list of players at this even in terms of player rating.  They have all been performing poorly.

Surely, something needs to change.  Perhaps Cloud9 needs to follow in the footsteps of NRG and remove their in-game leader, daps, from their roster.  If all five players are consistently playing poorly, this surely is a symptom of poor tactics.

Sources: 1/2