Christmas presents I dreaded as a kid that I now long for


When I was little, the only thing that ever made an appearance on my Christmas list were toys, toys and oh, even more toys. I had absolutely no desire whatsoever for anything else and all other non-toys that I ended up receiving, went straight to the back of my closet. The last few years, however, I’ve been digging through my closet, in hopes of finding some of the Christmas rejects from long ago.


1) Socks and Underwear

There's little worse than disappointing Christmas presents

Upon opening the annual bulk pack of socks and undies, my first reaction was wondering what on earth I did wrong wrong to deserve them. Unfortunately, as I grew, so did the price of these undergarments and I’m ecstatic when receiving any amount of either one.




2) Books

“But mom, I don’t wanna read. It’s so boring!” said my former, ungrateful self, as I tore off the wrapping of yet another box series. I now have over $2,000 worth of books on my wish list and am wondering were my box series are now.


3) Clothing

What use were new clothes to a 9-year-old? I would have much rather had a new doll or train set instead.  This year, clothes are all that seem to be on my mind and I definitely wouldn’t mind even getting some new sweatpants.


4) Soap

Although my first thought when receiving soap is never “oh golly gee! I just adore soap and can’t wait to use it!” I do appreciate a nice bath bomb much more than I did as a little kid. Especially now that I now know the necessary amount needed for a standard bath and don’t use the whole bottle in one use.


I really wish I had learned to enjoy these simple Christmas gifts when I was smaller, since they aren’t as common now that I’m older.



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