Challenge: Think Positive!


We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking and been told not to gossip, but do we actually put this into practice?  This past week, my small group of friends decided to try.  For over a week we attempted to not saying anything negative about ourselves or others, and to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  Naturally we were far from perfect, but learned a lot from the experience.  We were reminded that you never know the full story behind people’s actions and saw how subtle, yet powerful, negativity can be.

So no matter if you think this sounds cheesy, difficult, or pointless, I challenge you to try it.  Take a day or two this week and vow to not say or think anything negative.  When you slip up, replace it with something positive.  Better yet, grab a friend and take the challenge together.    After the experiment, take some time to reflect on what you learned.  Was it challenging?  What situations/people/thoughts stuck out to you?  Is this something you could improve on?  You might be surprised at what you learn.

Your thoughts and words are powerful- good luck!


  1. It makes a lot of sense to me. Thinking positive is a powerful tool to make our life easier and not worry to much with all the problems we had. It also helps to find solutions with our problems and eventually solve it. Do I practice it? Yes, I am always positive with all my decision making in life and I guess it works for me. Thanks.

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