What you should and shouldn’t celebrate on February 29



February 29. A day that appears every four years – that 0.25 in the 365.25 day orbital period of the Earth. What’s so special about it? Admittedly, there isn’t much to the day aside from its relative rarity in occurrence. However, I think that should change. Why? Because some days deserve to be more special than others, while some days you want to have occur as often as possible.

Days that should fall on February 29:

Mothers’ Day/Father’s Day (in addition to the regular Mother’s Day/Father’s Day): Let’s face it, moms and dads across the globe deserve more than just one Sunday a year for appreciation. My advice to you is to show your parents that you love and appreciate them every day of the year. That way, when February 29 comes around, you can show your parents that even on a day that only comes every four years, you still love them!

American Election Day: The States hold their Presidential Elections every four years. Know what else happens every four years? That’s right, a leap year. I think it would be awesome if they were to push their elections to February 29. It could even become a tradition: “American Presidential Elections – Held Every February 29.” I mean, November happens every year, it’s so boring! Why not mix things up every once in a while? On the other hand, there are some days that I would never want to move to February 29…

Days that shouldn’t fall on February 29:

Your birthday: OK, honestly speaking, does anyone really want their birthday to only actually happen once every four years? I mean, yeah, it’d be cool that your birthday hit that 1/1461 chance of being born on February 29, but you would only be able to legitimately have one birthday every four years, and the other three years you’d have to keep track of which day would have been February 29.

Christmas/Other awesome holidays: I think this one speaks for itself. Things like Christmas, New Year’s, and April Fools’ Day are once-a-year days of awesomeness, and as such, should not be relegated to only occurring once every four years. I already have enough trouble waiting for the 365 days to pass – not sure I’d be able to handle having to wait an extra three years.

February 29 is a special day, but just because it’s special doesn’t mean that every holiday should fall on that day. There are a lot of things that I would definitely not be able to wait four years for. What say you? Any days that should/shouldn’t be moved to February 29?