Canon t2i Video: Venice Canal Ride


Recently TheGentlemanScholar posted a review on the Canon EF 50mm F1.8 Mark II lens.  I assume he shot pictures and videos on a Canon t2i.  The Canon t2i is the same camera I’ve been using and it’s fantastic!  The t2i will run you around $799 and is one of the most amazing cameras I’ve ever used.  The still camera ability is better than most point and shoot cameras.  There are lots of auto features but also lots of options to customize and set yourself.  What really sets this camera apart is it’s ability to capture video in HD, especially in low light situations.  The footage from this camera rivals most cameras, priced at $2,000 and up.

Recently, lots of sites have put the t2i up against more expensive cameras is in video challenges.  You can easily find them on Google or YouTube.  Today I wanted to show you a video I shot while in Venice during the summer.  It’s shot with the t2i using a stock lens.  It was edited in iMovie and a video filter was dropped over the footage to give it a classic feel.  Make sure you watch it in HD and let me know what you think!

[youtube sLLoz2R2Lok]

Music used: Half Light I by the Arcade Fire
All rights and ownership are owned by the Arcade Fire and their record company. We do not own any rights nor are we implying we do.


  1. I concur! 🙂 All I would have recommended for that video might be a polarizing filter to compensate for the bright skies and a stabilizing mount. I have the former (and its awesome), but the latter can be REALLY expensive.

    I digress; very nice video, very nice camera 🙂

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