Canadian, Please


With the recent Idle No More protests on Bill C-45 for Aboriginal rights and environmental protection (to name a few), racism is starting to show in Canadians as well. I was researching the Bill for a school government project as part of the grade 9 curriculum, and a look at the “Comments” section below the majority of news articles was quite surprising. Some comments contained a lot of racism towards Aboriginal people, and it was pretty sad because for the longest time I have been proud of Canada’s multicultural, non-racist environment.


In grade 7 humanities, our teacher showed us this video, “Canadian Please” by YouTuber gunnarolla. I think it’s brilliant – a quirky song that ties back into Canadian peoples’ fundamental values. I want to bring back this awesome video as a way to say, let’s remember to work against racism – both in the current Bill C-45 issue, and in other issues.


Step 3: Live multiculturally. 


