In the winter, long hair is probably going to get static-y or frizzy due to the level of humidity and other factors. Over the years, I realized that rubbing small amounts (drops depends on the amount and thickness of the hair)of essential oil to the ends and surface of your hair may help to calm the frizz, but it will cause your hair to look greasy and revolting. However, I discovered that if the hair is braided after the the oil is applied, a sleek braid will be created. In addition, the oil will also moisturize your hair and prevent split ends to an extent.

The Regular Braid (3-Strand Braid):
- Brush through hair to remove tangles and knots.
- Split the hair into 3 somewhat even portions.
- Pull the left section over the middle section.
- Pull the right section over the middle section, so that now it becomes the middle section.
- Repeat until there’s only one inch left of hair.
- Tie off with an elastic band.
The French Braid:
The French braid is similar but also different to the regular braid. Starting at the top of your head, the french braid is began with 3 small strands of hair. Criss-Crossing like the regular braid, a new strand of hair is added to the original section every time the section is moved, resulting in the hair on the sides being added to the braid and the original section getting thicker and thicker. When you run out of hair to add, finish off the braid like an regular braid.

The Fishtail:
The Fishtail is a detailed braid which incorporated characters of both the French braid and the regular braid.
- Separate the hair into 2 similar sized strands.
- Take a small strand on the very left side of the left section and cross it over the large strand of the left section. Join the small strand with the right section.
- Take a small strand on the very right side of the right section and cross it over the large strand of the right section. Join the small strand with the left section.
- Repeat!

If the braids don’t out perfect the first time, just give it a few tries. Remember, practice makes perfect!