Call of Duty: Black Ops Review


So, a little game known as Call of Duty: Black Ops (maybe you’ve heard of it) came out last Tuesday, and after playing through all of its main features, I believe I am ready to review it.

Unlike with the Halo franchise, I am relatively new to the CoD series. Therefore, my skills aren’t exactly “godly” (still far better than you, just not so good that you feel the need to bow down and worship me…yet). But a person doesn’t need to be a long-time CoD fan in order to enjoy this game, as long as you’ve played and enjoy FPSs, you will most likely enjoy this game.

Let’s start with the campaign. Is this the best campaign ever? No. but it is the best out of all the Call of Duty games I’ve played. The players are sucked into an intense story where we play as various soldiers from the end days of WWII to the various battles that occurred during the cold war all to unravel a major global conspiracy.

When it comes to the multiplayer, Black Ops doesn’t offer any real innovations. They basically took Modern Warfare 2 (previous game) and removed the things that the players didn’t like, and added a few new things like wage matches (bet CoD currency on your own ability to win) and theater mode (revolutionized by the Halo franchise – watch previous matches from any angle pause, fast-forward, rewind, so on…). In theory, this should be a more polished version of MW2 but that’s really based on preferences (the game requires a little bit of skill now… therefore, a lot of angry “noobs”).

Now let’s talk zombies. The zombie mode is much better; this is not based on preferences (as in, this is not up for discussion). The zombie mode is nothing compared to full zombie games such as Left 4 Dead, but as an add-on to a full game… this is great.  Unlike Nazi Zombies from CoD5, this is a lot harder and scarier.

Bottom Line – this game has great graphics, excellent game play. But just like all the previous CoD games… you only do one thing – shoot at stuff. It offers the all the things that made the CoD franchise great, but unfortunately… it offers relatively nothing new. Despite that, the game is highly enjoyable (unless you face me… nothing enjoyable about having your game end every one or two seconds, unless you like that). I give this game a 4/5.

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