Calgary Youth Mob Chinook Center for the Juno’s and Other Musically Talented People


First of all: Flash mob 101 – A flash mob is when a mob of people seemingly randomly show up and do something seemingly random then peace out immediately afterwards leaving a stunned and often confused audience. Check ImprovEverywhere if you are unclear about the definition, or check out YAA’s recap of some of the more awesome flash mobs over the last few years…

[youtube F0pJlxjexdY]

Now, for those of you who were not bombarded with texts from one of the 60+ members of this weekend’s flash mob at Chinook Center, let me tell you, it was a sight to see!  Check the YouTube video above and give props to the local awesome youth who gave their time and creativity to making this dancing mob completely and utterly awesome! Yours truly even attempted to be coordinated and groove out to the beat – and that’s a feat at the very least, let me tell you.  The mob was done as a promotion for this year’s Juno Awards and in celebration of the Vancouver Winter Olympics (hence the red-white-and-black and Nickleback)

If you guys ever get a chance to participate in a flash mob, especially one as cool as this, I highly recommend it!  Keep your ears open, there are always mischievous schemers scheming up flashmobs.  And, if you can’t find any going on, scheme up your own!  They’re a great way to promote events or for just plain fun.

On another equally cool note, I would like call out to all classical/jazz music fans.  From March 1st-30th, Calgary is hosting the annual Kiwanis Music Festival, which we posted about a little while back.  It’s going to be pure awesomeness.  I know I have several talented friends performing over the upcoming weekends, so if you have time to go and check out some of the performances and support the amateur classical musical scene in Calgary, have a peak at their schedule. Most of the events are held at UofC, SAIT or the Jubilee Auditorium, and most are free. So, maybe take some time this weekend to peak in and support some local artists in the making!


  1. Your flash mob was amazing! I wish I'd been there to see it in person.

    Just wanted to let you know that the Festival's Musical Theatre Showcase is this Saturday night (Mar.13th). It's an awesome concert featuring some great numbers. Think Hairspray, Rent, Wicked and other popular musicals, performed by guys and girls like you!

    BTW – Festival ends March 20th (not 30th) with the Stars of the Festival concert – another great chance to see some very talented kids doing what they love!

  2. Hi,

    This was an awesome flashmob. How does one contact these youth and their choreographer to arrange a similar project?


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