Have your say about Calgary Transit


Calgary Transit is asking all Calgarians what they think of CT’s service, which includes everything from the location of the future lines to fare prices. The RouteAhead public consultation project will be asking Calgarians what they think of transit over the next 10 months. The first stage of the consultation will be gathering feedback from the web and at public meetings. The results of these consultations will be combined with information that Calgary Transit has already collected which will aid in creating a plan to guide priorities.

Mayor Nenshi says essential questions have to be answered. “What should the optimal fare be? What should the optimal ratio of fares to property tax support be? Which capital projects should we put forward? What changes to network do we need to have happen? How do we measure our customer service?” asked Nenshi. “I think all of those are really good things and I think transit customers, both current and prospective customers, will see a lot of improvements as a result of this work.” Calgary Transit will be coming up with their solutions and presenting them to council.

This is an absolutely great opportunity for all of us youth around the city to have our ideas and opinions about Calgary Transit heard, especially since we are the future of Calgary and the future of Calgary Transit riders. But, if you have a great idea on how to improve Transit now (or any aspect of the City for that matter) you should definitely check out the Mayor For A Day essay contest!

Mayor For A Day is an essay contest open to those students who are in Grades 6-12 in Calgary. To enter, all that you have to do is write an essay that is under 1,000 words about what 3 things you would do in Calgary if you were Mayor For A Day. Not only does the winner of the contest get to enact one of their ideas, but they also get to hang out with Mayor Nenshi for a day! The essay deadline is March 20, 2012 so get thinking, get writing and sending so that you can get your say and become Mayor For A Day!

The essay guidelines and more information are available here: http://youthcentral.com/mayorforaday/ and like us on Facebook !