Calgary Stampede Food Binge 2015: Fruit and Herb Infused Drinks


This year at the Calgary Stampede, there’s another whole list of new eats and treats and it is YAA’s mission to eat as many as possible and give you the low down. This round: Fruit and Herb Infused Drinks from The Family Fruit Stand. In a word: AMAZING.

Delish. 🙂

The drinks come in a selection of Mojito, Pineapple-ade (Pineapple Lemonade), Ruby Sparkle (grape fruit mojito lemonade), the Brave-ade (orange ginger), and The Red Head (strawberry mojito lemonade). The drinks are 32 oz. (which is massive) and cost $7. As for myself, I went for the Pinapple-ade and I must say, it is one of the best things I’ve ever drank. A perfect balance of sweet and sour, my palate danced with a tropical sensation.

One of the coolest parts of it was that you actually got to watch the drink made. The Family Fruit Stand, located in Weadickville, looks really weird on the inside because of all of these spring-like cords hanging from the ceiling (I think they must be hooked up to an air compressor or something of the sort) and they use them somehow to make the drinks! The water, sugar, fruit and whatever else is in your drink is put into what looks like a little bucket and they go at it with this hose thing, shake it up and boom! Done.

If I were to offer any critique at all, I would suggest that the drinks be offered in different sizes. The 32 oz. is enough to hydrate a whole family. Ideally, I could have gotten a smaller size but that aside, I have nothing much to add. I wholeheartedly recommend you check them out. It’s a new twist on your traditional fairground drinks and is well worth the trip out.