CALGARY EXPO: How I Barely Survived


Alright so my obvious commitment issues aside (ranging from boyfriends to weekly posts [sorry!]), I attended the Calgary Expo on Saturday – a tradition I’ve started for myself about three years running now (literally the longest tradition I’ve ever committed to), and every year I go home regretting something I did or didn’t do. So although my weekly posts aren’t… weekly, I’ve decided to tell you some tips about the Expo so you can enjoy it next year (with some cosplay tips thrown in there).

!!WARNING!! This post has a lot of pictures of my face. For those of you that have seen it – this is your last chance to escape. For those of you that haven’t – well, you’ll learn. They all do.

Snapchat selfie? Don't hate me.
Snapchat selfie? Don’t hate me.

1. This year was the first year I cosplayed/did an inspired outfit. I went as the eleventh doctor from Doctor Who simply because Matt Smith was there and I wanted an excuse to look fancy – this being said, I also did a red lip for part of my look (paired with TARDIS blue eyeliner – no idea how I pulled that off). So, here’s the tip – IF YOU PUT ON ANY MAKEUP, ALWAYS USE A PROPER PRIMER, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO LIPSTICK. I’ll make a separate post completely dedicated to this because man, the struggle was so real.

2. COMFORTABLE SHOES. You think walking in heels is bad? It is. Waiting in a photo op/autograph line for 45 minutes MINIMUM? It’s worse. Calgary Expo changes location of things constantly, which means you’ll be walking all over the grounds – bring comfortable shoes or be prepared for stopping partway through to patch up your feet.

3. BAG OF HOLDING (go D&D reference!). Every year I both regret and love bringing a bag to the Expo. Where else am I supposed to put my prized possessions? But be prepared. What feels like nothing the first five minutes will suddenly turn into a bag of bricks 4 hours later. Shoulders will get sore – that I promise you. However, there are lockers stationed around the Expo to stash your stuff! Rejoice!

4. Don’t rejoice. You have a slim chance of getting an available locker. Rub A535 will be your best friend when you get home.

5. Photo Op/Autograph lines are long. Worth it to stand next to the glorious Matt Smith, but LONG. Line up as early as possible – this year we were forced to wait outside in the SNOW and I nearly cried.


6. People will be in revealing costumes. You WILL see arms, legs, chests, stomachs, necks and occasionally butt cheeks flailing all over the place. Some of these tips may be reiterating the Expo FAQs, but I have to put emphasis on this – PLEASE RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR COSTUMES. The Expo is meant to be a safe place where you can dress up to pay homage to your favourite _____. It’s not a place to get lewdly stared at or catcalled or anything of that manner. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself in a costume and put yourself out there.

7. HaveĀ fun. Don’t judge other people’s costumes, don’t judge other people, watch out for costume props to the eye, and just immerse yourself in the wonderful Geek culture!


  1. I loved this post, super funny! I too mt Matt Smith a nearly died, don’t forget about money! Be prepared to be in debt afterwards. I went 3 out of the 4 days and ending up spending 297 bucks (admission and photo op prices included.)

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