My Three Things For Calgary


Mayor Nenshi came up with this amazing idea to get citizens involved just a few months ago. Here are the three things that I would do in order to make Calgary an even better city:

1. Get to know someone:

How many times have you stood waiting for a bus for several minutes with a stranger but never talked once?

I know that it can be very awkward to just say hello to someone but trust me, it is worth the effort to start a conversation with someone. Make small talk about the weather, maybe hockey and get to know them a little bit. Believe it or not, something like that can light up someone’s day. Plus, it is good to get to know someone; I have heard several very interesting stories from people that got me thinking.

2. Carpool:

If you drive to work or school, consider carpooling with someone. This is one of the best things you can do to reduce the traffic on Calgary’s roads and help reduce the pollution level. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to visit Carpool. This website helps you find people who live to close and go to work close the place where you do.

3. Switch to CFL bulbs:

If you did not already know, CFL bulbs can save around one third of energy compared to a traditional incandescent bulb. They also have a life that is 8-10 times longer. More and more Canadians are switching over to CFL bulbs and they have good reason to do so. This is something very basic that everyone of us should go do. Any time a bulb goes out, be sure to replace with a CFL and not an incandescent bulb.